Monday, June 13, 2011

YOU challenge.. Day 4

7 wants:
the list is loonng... cutting it down to 7 would be herculean. :D
still here I go,
1. a library of my own. I have never wanted anything more badly. 
2. a tattoo! (thank you DA!)
3. happiness in every form. I just want to stay happy with what I do, what I have, what I don't!
4. GOOD FOOD. Yes, I love food.. it makes me happy!
5. a SLR! :(( *LONG POUT*
6. a holiday with all my family. ALL.
7. many fat, chubby, cuddly babies. (people whom i expect them from already know that ;)  ) HINTS

FINALLY I am done with this too.. :)
happy reading!


  1. Aww.. don't be sad both of you. I'll get you one each. Bright and shiny one! :P

  2. Here you go:

    Don't forget to buy a bag, A-mount, neck strap and a polarizer filter with it.

    Thanks much :P

  3. MAN! You can get soo greedy :P

  4. Come on, don't be thrrrifty. Be a good girl and buy us both our cameras. In return, I will read all the books that u suggested ;) :P

  5. YAYY!!!
    i know you will buy it for me someday! :P

  6. As promised, I want to get you BRIGHT & SHINY cameras! Nikon isn't manufacturing any right now. Bad luck guys :(

  7. ohh... never mind. I wouldn't mind the DULL & COMMON one. SERIOUSLY! :D

  8. @Somya -
    Jajaja.. Get a grip :-*

    @Rachit -
    Really.. I do keep my promises! ;)
