Friday, June 10, 2011

YOU challenge.. Day 1

Day 1:
UNFAIR STARTING! seriously..!!
ten secrets:
1. i judge the way they talk, behave and make me feel. (add: use of  GRAMMAR)
2. i love giggling when i am alone! >_<
3. i can never HATE a person.. the cause for disliking someone gradually loses its significance.
4. i pity those who don't read a book/ choose to watch a movie and save time. (you will NEVER realize what you missed)
5. people's attitude affects me a lot. i think about things way too much. if you know me you probably know that..
6. i am scared leaving my family behind when i go to college or on an illegal trip. i am always thinking whether they will be alive when i return. ( i know it may sound weird but a personal incident made me this way).
7. i always get the vibes of something bad happening. don't ask me how.
8. as a kid, my "BIGGEST" worry was should i sleep with dadi or papa..? :)
9. its hard for me to admit that i am wrong.. not that i don't. i just take time (read: A LOT) to realize it was my bad..
10. i write to people, God and anybody who should know anything.. i NEVER let the person know. (unless it compelling)

PHEW! that was a task... yes! a certain someone did get me down to work! :)

readers: form your opinions..and take the challenge! it will get you down to thinking about you, a lot! 


  1. true story! writing 10 secrets does make us think about ourselves :D
    and yay! I do know you woman :-*

  2. Not bad. Not bad at all. Excellent :D

    You did the difficult part first. It should be easy now :)

  3. Btw, point # 1: I - - write...;)

  4. @ Kay: Somewhere I knew you would. :)
    @ Rachit: Thank you!

    P.S.- TY again.. you too tried! (the GIRLY stuff) :D

  5. I won't say anything till the time I am being ragged real time about it :P
