Saturday, June 11, 2011

YOU challenge.. Day 2

okay.. today's has been completed in a hurry..
9 loves.

1. undoubtedly books!
2. food! (leave me with good food, i don't need company). i live to eat!!
3. memories... they are the only things that never leave you.
4. my friends. ( i am blessed in this category) if you have mine life becomes so much more easier. xoxo
5. school. it forms an integral part of me.
6. travelling.. i have the best trips, EVER.
7. the nights that turn into mornings.. :)
8. JOEY. ( that's my brother) not that i don't love the other one. :D
9. a blackberry! i thank God every night for my phone!!!


  1. are those nine loves or nine praises woman? ;)

    seeing Joey's pic reminds me of you clicking pics of dead goldfishes.. jajajaa :D

    and now i have 8 reasons why we are able to tolerate each other :-*

  2. @ kay: jajajaja :D
    how ironical all the trouble went away with their dying :)

    and we have MANY more why we can!
