Sunday, June 12, 2011

YOU challenge.. Day 3

well fear to me is something which is in your mind.. all there. you give it birth there, you nurture it there and also it dies in there. well if you let it ..

8 fears:
1. losing my loved ones... mostly my parents.
2. one day I will find out some weird nightmare is actually true!
3. dying on one of my illegal trips.. I actually feel that TOO many times. :(
4. becoming so old that i can't fend for myself.
5. becoming mad thinking.. i need to seriously stop soon. *i get creepy ones at times*
6. seeing anyone die before my eyes.. anyone for that matter.
7. dying underwater :/  (i can at times imagine myself  battling for air)
8. being kidnapped in a van. I personally DON'T like those cars. THANK YOU bollywood. :/


  1. Love me. Hell is coming my way.


  2. and man so much about dying :(
    kill the fears please.


  3. @ Kay: jajajaja... okay.
    i know too much dying..

    P.S.- add dying due to overdose :/

    my deepest fears.. seriously.

    P.P.S.- i ♥ the new pic! :D

  4. A van? Hahaha! Are you afraid of the retro Bolly villains too ? Likes of Ranjit, Teja, Shetty..yada yada :P

    Btw, I would like to have said something philosophical on you being afraid of death. Since, I suck at that...I would say it's really courageous of you to write your fears here. Well done !

  5. @ Rachit: NO! though at point i was. I used to cover my eyes and peep between them when one appeared on screen! :D

    and Thank you for the applaud. I know its a task.

    P.S.- Waiting (eagerly) for yours to come!

  6. haha :D

    PS: Can't let you waiting, posted Day 3 already ;)

  7. @Somaaaa -
    You won't die of anything but old age da.. (or maybe overdose of louuvvee by HIM :P)
